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Wellness Program & Nutritional Counseling

 As a mom and a business owner, I know that TIME can be our biggest factor and reason for not ‘being’ healthy. BUT, when you look at why you don’t have time, your partner, your child (ren), your work, then you see, those ARE the reasons to be healthy! I have seen from experience that those who are skinny are not necessarily healthy, and those who are what society calls, “plump”, are not necessarily unhealthy. It is making proper choices and learning what works for YOU. As you decide to get on the path to being the best you, there are some basic guidelines to help you. This is NOT designed for rapid weight loss, or a quick fix, nor will you have to eat one particular food or food group for any particular time. This is designed for the person who is looking to make a lifestyle change and seeking education and some healthy advice along the way. This will happen through meetings, twice a month or monthly. This program is offered in 3 month or 6 month + increments. We will address your health history, diet, Anthropometric feedback, & lifestyle.


*Most importantly, this program is individualized according to your strengths and concerns. This program is also designed to focus on stress and how it affects our lives, diet, & mental well-being.


To set up a consultation or for more information, please visit our Contact page. Ask about our complete wellness program that also includes customizable relaxation services for you!

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